Preamplifiers, Hybrids and Special Products

FAST ComTec offers a wide variety of Preamplifier and Shaper modules and hybrids.   Our charge sensitive preamplifiers can be used with a wide range of radiation detectors, including semiconductor detectors, scintillator-photodiode detectors, avalanche photodiodes, photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), microchannel plate (MCP) detectors, and gas-based detectors (e.g. proportional counters). The A*** series of hermetically sealed hybrids are highly reliable screened radiation hardened and proofed their performance in space missions. The CR*** series of charge sensitive preamps and shaping amps are economic hybrids which are well suited for applications requiring many channels of electronics.

Charge Sens. Preamps

CSA4 module Charge Preamp / Shaping Amplifier csa4.pdf
CSP10 module Charge Sens. Preamp / high sensitivity, replaced by CSPA1X csp10.pdf
CSPA1X module Charge Sens. Preamp / high sensitivity cspa1x.pdf
CR amplifiers hybrid Overview cremat.pdf
CR 110 hybrid Charge Sens. Preamp / high sensitivity cr-110.pdf
CR 111 hybrid Charge Sens. Preamp / low sensitivity cr-111.pdf
CR 112 hybrid Charge Sens. Preamp / low sensitivity cr-112.pdf
CR 113 hybrid Charge Sens. Preamp / low sensitivity cr-113.pdf

We offer Cremat and Amptek products only if end users are in Europe.


Shaping Amp, Pulse Amp

 CR200-25ns hybrid Shaping Amplifier (25ns) cr-200.pdf
 CR200-50ns hybrid Shaping Amplifier (50ns) cr-200.pdf
 CR200-100ns hybrid Shaping Amplifier (100ns) cr-200.pdf
 CR200-250ns hybrid Shaping Amplifier (250ns) cr-200.pdf
 CR200-500ns hybrid Shaping Amplifier (500ns) cr-200.pdf
 CR200-1 µs hybrid Shaping Amplifier (1 µs) cr-200.pdf
 CR200-2 µs hybrid Shaping Amplifier (4 µs) cr-200.pdf
 CR200-4 µs hybrid Shaping Amplifier (4 µs) cr-200.pdf
 CR200-8 µs hybrid Shaping Amplifier (8 µs) cr-200.pdf

We offer Cremat and Amptek products only if end users are in Europe.



CR150 board preamplifier for CR110, CR111, CR112, CR113 cr-150.pdf
CR150 Box case aluminum box for CR 150 board cr-150-box.pdf
CR160 board Gaussian shaping amplifier for CR200-x cr-160-r8.pdf
CR160 Box case aluminum box for CR 160 board cr-160-r8.pdf
PC11 board for A101 pc11.pdf
PC21 board for A111 & A111/F  
PC25 board for A225 & A206 pc25.pdf
PC121 board for A121 pc121.pdf
PC236 board for A203 & A206  
PC250 board for A250 pc250.pdf
PC250F board for A250F or A250F/NF pc250f_nf.pdf
PC275 board for A275 & BLR1 a275.pdf

We offer Cremat and Amptek products only if end users are in Europe.


Timing Amplifiers

 TA1000B module Timing Amplifier x10,x50,x100,x200 (DC to 1.0 GHz bandwidth) ta1000b.pdf
 TA1800B module Timing Amplifier x10 (DC to 1.8 GHz bandwidth) ta1800b.pdf
 TA2000B module Timing Amplifier x20, x40, x80 (DC to 2.0GHz) ta2000.pdf
 TA2400 module Timing Amplifier x5 (DC to 2.4 GHz bandwidth) ta2400.pdf
 AM8000 module Timing Amplifier module family (9 different types available) am8xxx.pdf
 TA8000 / TA8008 module Octal Timing Amplifier (combination of AM8xxx modules) ta8008.pdf
 TD2000 module Timing Discriminator (2 GHz rate) td2000.pdf

Special Products

ACUF4-X module Current to Voltage / Current to Frequency Converter iuf.pdf
HV Box module High voltage filter from a HV supply with a 10 Mohm resistor and a 4.7 nF HV capacitor.  
Splitter Box module Passive resistor network (star configuraton) fast signals and comply with the line termination rule.