Ultra Fast Multiscalers / Questions and Answers
- Is it possible to synchronize two MCS8A ?
- A customer wonder the Acq.delay in hardware settings of MCS8A, why can't it be set to 0, it would automatically set back to default value 6.4 ns, and what is the effect of this delay?
- We observe following problem with the MCS8A purchased. The temperature of the FPGA remains 38 degrees and then rises to 200 degrees after about 30 minutes, and the TDC does not work. How can it be fixed?
- Does MCS8A can do cyclic measurement? For example, acquire and save data every 0.1s automatically after started. How the software should be set up?
- What are the typical measurements or applications that MPA4 or MPA4T can do? I tried to understand MPA4 on FAST ComTec's website but the information there is not very accessible to non-experts like me. We are thinking about buying a MCS6 or MPA4T.
- For an autocorrelation measurement I need to measure differences in time between two channels. Is there any way to program the time digitizer so that each sweep contains only one point of data?
- For a FLIM application, I need to record the fluorescence lifetime of photons, at rates from 10 kcps/s up to 10 Mcps/s, which ranges from 0 to 12.5 ns. I want to transfer these data to a PC every 100 ms to 1s, the laser fires with 76 MHz.
- Concerning P7889 and DMA: the manual makes a point that we should use DMA and maybe even increase the blocksize to 32678. If we enable DMA, less start events than sweeps are counted. Is DMA mode incompatible with Windows 7-64 bit?
- Concerning the fast P7889 FIFO_1, please correct us if we are wrong: The FIFO_1 can store STOP signals for 1024 time slices, each represented by a 64-bit word and covering 6.4ns: one bit for each 100ps time bin. Together they can cover 1024*6.4ns = 6.5µs
- Does the pulse length at the P7889 sync out correspond to the duration of the input signal being below the threshold? Concerning the pulse intensity on SYNC out: the manual says -0.7V but Figure 3.4 implies ~1V.
- We now have win7. Could you please assist us with the installations for our P7888?
- I don't know how to enable or disable channels via the DLL, or configure the threshold or the edges. I'm struggling with the dac0, dac1, etc in BOARDSETTING struct and pass it to the mcs6a using the RunCmd function of the DLL.
- I'm trying to set via the DLL the following MCS6A settings: - enable "CH 6/Start" and "Ch1", Change "Fast NIM" into Customized" and set a threshold value of +0.3 V for Ch1 and "Rising" edge etc. How can I do that?
- I would like to use the dig4 channel to control the MCS6A. I'm trying to understand if and how it is possible to select this option directly from the DLL functions and not using the MPANT software.
- What about Windows 8?
- When I connect the MCS6 / MCS6A / MPA4(T) to a Windows 7 PC, the PC somehow doesn't ask or install its driver. Isn't the MCS6 also working on Windows 7?
- Would it be possible to run more than two of your P7888 Cards on a single PC in order to have more than 8 input channels? Is the total transfer rate for ALL boards (summed > together) still (about) 20 MHz?
- Please could you let me know if there are any known incompatibilities between P7889 and this DELL workstation I intend to buy? Please could you also let me know if Windows 7 64bit is supported by your drivers, or whether I will need to install a 32bit OS?
- Is there anyway to save the P7887 data from each scan using the calibration variable (say, time of flight) instead of the bin number?
- Is there in fact any more documentation on using the DDE method, in addition to what I have referenced below in the manual?
- Can P7888 be controlled by Matlab?
- The measurement is stopped with acquisition times of multiples of 2 seconds when using my P7888-1E and time preset mode using DMA. Where does it come from?
- How can we access via DLL the data stream of P7889 count events ?
- I use fast position-dependent detectors with delay-line read out. The maximum count rate that I can reach using two 7072T TDC's in coincidence and MPA-3 is only about 350 kHz per input. Is there a solution that can handle a higher count rate?
- Is it possible to have two P7888-2 cards working as if it were a four-channel one?
- Is there for the Ultra Fast Multiscalers the FAST ComTec two-year-warranty included?
- We have a p7889 in our lab and would like to access the spectrum from server through LabVIEW. The example works, but could not access spectrum.