Time-Of-Flight Analyzers / Multiscalers, Photon Counters

For example in Mass Spectrometry stop event pulses generated by ions arriving at the detector (typically a MCP) need to be precisely counted in the exact relation to their arrival time (TOF).  FAST ComTec has specialised in the design and manufacturing of instruments for ultra-fast pulse counting that meets this criterion.

The new USB 3.0 based models MCS8A and MCS8 with time resolutions from 80 ps up to 800 ps are able to record a burst count rate of 12.5 GHz, a permanent total 300 MHz count rate until the large 4GB FIFO is full, 240 MB/s is the data transfer rate.

Furthermore they can also be used to analyze the width of the arriving pulses with an accuracy of 80 pico seconds. FAST ComTec Time-of-Flight Analyzers are available with a number of options ranging from software DLL's for LabVIEW, C and Visual Basic to oven controlled oscillators. 

The MCCD is a start trigger / master clock source with eight outputs that can be used to synchronize up to 8 MCS8As for recording up to 64 input channels, but is also a very good general purpose test generator for fast jitter-free signals.

For measurements requiring very high time precision over a larger time range an optional Rubidium Frequency Standard is available. 

Our 2-Year Warranty covers all types of FAST ComTec Multiscalers.

Ultra fast Time-Of-Flight Analyzer, Multiscaler, Ion / Photon Counters

ModelResolutionInputsBurst countrateContin. ThroughputInterfaceDatasheet
MCS8A 80 ps 2-8 12.5 GHz 240 MB/s USB 3.0 (Super Speed) mcs8a.pdf
MCS8 80 ps 2-7(8) 12.5 GHz 240 MB/s USB 3.0 (Super Speed) mcs8.pdf
MCS8A-1 80 ps 1(2) 12.5 GHz 240 MB/s USB 3.0 (Super Speed) mcs8a1.pdf
MPA4T 100 ps 1-5/(6) 10 GHz 35 MB/s USB (High Speed, 480Mbps) mpa4t.pdf
MCS4 30/50 ns 2 or 1 400 MHz 400 MHz USB (High Speed, 480Mbps) mcs4.pdf
P7882 100/200 ns 2 or 1 400 MHz 400 MHz PCIbus p7882.pdf


 MCCD Eight output START trigger master clock source mccd.pdf
 MCS8DLL DLL for LabVIEW / "C" / Visual Basic (XP,Vista,7) for MCS8 dllmcs8.pdf
 MCS6DLL DLL for LabVIEW / "C" / Visual Basic (XP,Vista,7) for MCS6 dllmcs6.pdf
 MCS6LINUX LINUX Driver for MCS6 mcs6linux.pdf
 MCA4DLL DLL for LabVIEW / "C" / Visual Basic (XP,Vista,7) for MCA4/MCS4 dllmca4.pdf
 P788xDLL32 DLL for LabVIEW / "C" / Visual Basic (XP,Vista,7) for P788x dll-mcd.pdf