Our customers are our most valuable assets.
We do not only try to assist them in solving their problems prior to any purchase but are committed to a fast and efficient after sales support.
Our engineers and technical experts at our representatives are dedicated to providing our customers the level of support they need. With over 20 years in assisting customers with their applications, our support team has the experience and gained the expertise to provide an accurate and FAST response to any problems.
Service: In case you require service for any of our products, please contact us to obtain a Return Material Authorization No. (RMA). Please place this number clearly visible on the outside of the package you are going to send us.
Contact: info(at)fastcomtec(dot)com Phone: +49-89-665180-0
Software Support: after purchase customers receive free software and documentation updates. For downloading updates, please use the request form found at: <link support registration>www.fastcomtec.com/support/registration/
Fill out the requested information and e-mail the form to us. Once we establish that you are eligible we will return your request form with your user name and password. Go to the download site below and enter both. To ensure full software compatibility for the update we will need to know the S/N (serial number) and the current software version used.
Downloading Manuals: Many potential users of our products can now familiarize themselves with the operation of our products. Manuals can be freely downloaded. Go to Manuals and select the desired manual. See the example to the right: