Collimator Kit

For use with XR-100CR or XR-100T-CdTe (standard box with 1.5 inch extender) and the EXV9 (detector box with 9 inch extender)
In order to accommodate applications where the X-ray flux is too high for both the detector and the electronics that process the X-ray spectrum, Amptek has developed a “Collimator Kit” to collimate the primary X-ray beam.
The Collimator Housing can accommodate up to two Tungsten collimator disks that are placed inside a bayonet holder in front of the detector. By selecting the appropriate Tungsten collimator disks, the user can reduce the incoming X-ray flux and allow the detector and electronics to process the X-ray spectrum. Seven different Tungsten collimator disks are provided with different size holes in order to allow for a wide range of applications.
The EXVC Collimator Housing is made of stainless steel and can also be used inside a vacuum chamber.

Ordering note: When ordering, please specify the size of your detector box (standard box with 1.5 inch extender or EXV9 box with 9 inch extender). The O-ring component of the collimator kits are different depending on the size of the detector box.