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USA / Canada
Quantar Technology
45 Ortalon Ave
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
phone (mobile) 831-713-7566
email: sales(at)
BNC and Amptek products are sold by FAST
in EUROPE only. - For other countries:
please contact the manufacturers directly:
Electronic Enterprises(I) Pvt. Ltd--
Corporate office, 0091-22-24137096
Mumbai office, 0091-22-25909904
Hyderabad office, 0091-40-23243352
Kota office, 0091-744-2501113
Kolkatta office, 0091-3325770551
Bangalore office, 0091-80-23380451
Delhi office, 0091-11-27240436
Australia and New Zealand
Nu Scientific
PO Box 3384 Wareemba NSW 2046 Australia
410/38 Peninsula drive,
Breakfast Point
NSW 2137, Australia
Contact: Graeme McDonnell
Mobile: +61 438-754-546
South Korea
HKIC (HK International Corporation)
819, Bi-won Officetel (Deungchon Dong),
Gonghang Dero 525, Gangseogu Seoul 07563 Korea
Contact: Ji-Soung, Park / President
Phone: +82 2 2658 4366
fax: +82 2 2658 4370
email: hksales(at)
China and Hongkong
Adress: Room 1109, FangYuan Mansion, No.56B, ZhongGuanCun South Street,
Beijing, China 100044
phone: +86-10-8802 6700
fax: +86-10-8802 6856
E-mail: info(at)
Contact person: Hongyan Zhang(General Manager)
DMD, Daiei Musen Denki Co., Ltd.
10-10, 3-Chome, Sotokanda,
Chiyoda-ku 101 Tokyo, Japan
phone: 81-3-3255 0931.
email: kase(at)
QT Instruments (S) Pte Ltd,
192 Pandan Loop,
#06-20 Pantech Business Hub,
Singapore 128381
phone: (65) 6303 9833,
fax: (65) 6778 2578,
email: sales(at)
Macao and Vietnam
Ficom Systems Ltd,
phone: (852)-2320-0101
fax: (852)-2320-2721
email: sales(at)
Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand
OptoCom InstruVentures
Selangor 43900,
Phone: +603-8706 6806
Fax: +603-8706 6809
E-mail: sales(at)