32- and 64-bit DLL and VIs for LabVIEW, Visual Basic, "C" for MCD Multichannel Analyzers

The 32- and 64-bit MCDWIN software for the multichannel analyzers MCA-3/P7882 and P788x family consists of a hardware-dependent server program with DLL and a general graphics program that controls the hardware via the DLL. Any other Windows application can also control the hardware via the DLL. To support the programming of such customer-specific user interfaces, as an option we deliver documentation such as sourcecode and example programs for Visual Basic and LabVIEW.

The software includes the complete sourcecode of the DLL that controls the hardware via the server program. A special new FMCDWIN.DLL including source code with examples like F*(x-x‘)/(x+x‘) where x‘ is marked by a routing bit allows to display calculated spectra including calculated error bars in the MCDWIN program. 

  • MS-Windows based customer-specific user interfaces can be easily made using supplied documentation, libraries and examples
  • Available for all Multichannel Analyzers with MCDWIN software: MCA-3/P7882, P7886(S,E), P7887, P7888, P7889 and older models
  • Example programs in Visual Basic, C, and Delphi
  • Example LabVIEW application and library containing basic LabVIEW VI's
  • Access to spectra like slices or projections calculated in MCDWIN v 2.8 or special new FMCDWIN.DLL
  • Automatic execution through MACRO commands
  • Local Area TCP/IP Network support for remote control via optional MCDLAN software

The following 32 bit MCDWIN DLL products are presently available:

Model No.DesciptionOrder No.
MCA-3DLL32 DLL for LabVIEW / Visual Basic / C for MCA-3/P7882 MCA3S1
MCDPCDLL32 DLL for LabVIEW / Visual Basic / C for MCD/PC MCDS86
MCDLAPDLL32 DLL for LabVIEW / Visual Basic for MCDLAP MCDS87
MCD4DLL32 DLL for LabVIEW / Visual Basic for MCD4LAP MCDS88
MCD-2DLL32 DLL for LabVIEW / Visual Basic / C for MCD-2, MCD-2E, 7882 MCDS89
7886DLL32 DLL for LabVIEW / Visual Basic / C for 7886 MCDS90
P7886DLL32 DLL for LabVIEW / Visual Basic / C for P7886 (S,E) MCDS91
P7888DLL32 DLL for LabVIEW / Visual Basic / C for P7888 MCDS92
P7887DLL32 DLL for LabVIEW / Visual Basic / C for P7887 MCDS93
P7889DLL32 DLL for LabVIEW / Visual Basic / C for P7889 MCDS94