MPA-3 Replay and Replay_Ex Replay, Software for Reconstruction of Listdata
MPA-3 Replay is an optional software module to evaluate and analyze list files off-line, recorded with the MPA-NT software. It is included in the software delivered with a MPA-3 system but must be enabled either by a key module or a chip in the MPA-3 base module. There are two versions: the MPA-3 Replay that operates on the same computer as the MPA-3 system and MPA-3 Remote Replay for operation on an alternate (remote) computer.
The replay program is easy to use: enable Replay Mode using the checkbox in the Replay Settings dialog and specify a Filename of a list file (extension .LST) or search one by pressing Browse... With the radio buttons it is possible either to choose the complete list file by selecting All or a selected Time Range. To Use Modified Settings enable the corresponding checkbox, otherwise the original settings will be used. To start Replay press Start in the Action menu.
In Replay mode it is possible to define any new dual parameter spectra, also zoomed, and calculated spectra: Press Add Calc from the Map and Calculated Spectra dialog to define a new calculated single spectrum in the Calculated Spectrum Setting dialog. Any such calculated spectra can be used as a parameter for a dual parameter spectra. Conditions on events within any ROIs can be defined and selected as a necessary condition for incrementing a channel in another spectra.
- Extended MPA-NT software for off-line analysis of data files recorded in LIST-Mode on the same computer - Model MPA-3RPlay
- Extended MPA-NT software for off-line analysis of data files recorded in LIST-Mode operating on an alternate computer - Model MPA-3RPlay_Ex (no MPA-3 hardware installed)
- Enables to define new dual parameter spectra, zooms, mathematical calculations, and set new conditions on events within region of interests.