CR-150-BOX aluminum housing for CR-150 evaluation board
CR-150-BOX-R6, CR-150-BOX-R6-HV, and CR-150-BOX-NoBias
These are diecast aluminum housings suitable to hold and electrically shield the CR-150-R6 evaluation board.
The CR-150-BOX-R6 has a BNC connector installed at the 'input' position. This housing is recommended when the detector bias is 500V bias or less.
The CR-150-BOX-R6-HV is similar to the CR-150-BOX-R6 except that SHV connectors are installed at the 'input' position and 'bias in' positions. This housing is recommended when the detector requires bias over 500V (but less than 2000V).
The CR-150-BOX-NoBias housing can be used in any configuration where there are either no detector bias requirements or the detector is biased using a separate circuit. Examples of this are PMT, channel electron multiplier, and Faraday cup applications. This housing does not have a hole for the 'bias in' connector and has a BNC connector at the 'detector in' position.
These housings do not include the CR-150-R6 evaluation board, CSP module, nor the CR-24V wall mounted power supply which can be purchased separately.

